Fitness, Food, Wine & Travel


Hello, and welcome to my newest home on the web! I am excited to share my Paleo journey with you, as well as Paleo news and recipes.

I always thought giving up grains and sugar completely was way too extreme, and I doubted whether or not I could do it, especially because in Sacramento I am known by my nickname “cakegrrl” and have received a great deal of recognition in Northern California for my baking and recipes.

I am here to tell you, if I can do it, you can, too. You only have one body and one chance in this life. It is up to you to empower and take care of yourself and your family! 🙂

I have been Paleo since March 2011, and I will be for life. I have lost 30 pounds (was 152 at my highest, March of 2011) and now weigh anywhere from 115-125 depending on what day it is or what time of the month. 😉

Most importantly, is that I am no longer chained to food and it’s no longer a burden for me. It’s been a process, but I am learning the difference between real vs. emotional hunger, and the strategies to use when I use food as a comfort rather than a means to fuel my body.

If you are sick and tired of being sick and tired, I really hope you might try this diet/lifestyle. I did it as a last resort, and maybe that’s where you are right now. At the end of your rope… I know what it’s like to feel depressed and hopeless and addicted. You don’t have to live that way. You can be healthy and free. 🙂

4 responses

  1. Donna Cockerham

    hey girl! love the new site! the chicken in the cabbage cups looks delish. i cant wait to see what else you come up with 🙂

    March 25, 2012 at 7:37 pm

    • Thank you for your support! 🙂 xoxo

      March 25, 2012 at 7:39 pm

  2. Congrats on your new venture and for taking the leap to follow your heart!

    March 25, 2012 at 9:52 pm

  3. Andy Harris

    Great job on the new an much more relevant website. I know you had some apprehension about doing this makeover, but it was long overdue. I agree with you that the time was now to change your online identity with the goal of reaching out to all persons who might be interested in the whole Paleo lifestyle. You are an inspiration to everyone who has embraced the Paleo lifestyle or who are considering it. You’re going to help a lot of people. Congratulations to my Paleo partner in life. 🙂

    March 25, 2012 at 11:01 pm

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