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Posts tagged “Kevin Kiley

For the Undecided: My Recall Newsom Letter to 19 Newspaper Editors

I wrote the following a few weeks ago and sent to 19 different newspapers across California in the hopes it would be published as an op-ed piece in at least one of them (since it is a little long to be a letter to the editor). Of course, since the L.A. Times and the McClatchy rags are all pro-Newsom, it’s a little delusional of me to think I would stand a chance getting published. In fact, the Times and the Sacramento Bee sent me a rejection letter. And I was even rejected by two different editors (who I won’t mention by name) at the Sac Bee. I consider it a compliment.

Since I am a little impatient and time is of the essence, I decided I would use my own platform to publish my letter and use my own social media to push out, even though this blog and my audience is mostly interested in food, wine, and travel. Apologies in advance for this slight diversion. It will be over soon and I will go back to my normal content. Possibly from another state if Newsom is not recalled.

I have never been very vocal about politics in California, as I feel it is a losing battle. I am a registered Libertarian, and I am typically not liked (or trusted) by Democrats or by Republicans. I believe a lot of people in California say they are democrats or liberals because they want to be accepted by others. Most folks want to be looked at as “a good person” and someone who “does the right thing”. It’s a giant popularity contest in which I have no interest. You can clique-ity clack yourself on out of here. I do not care if I get canceled. I do not care if I am liked. I am completely used to being the freak, the weirdo, the outcast, the black sheep… But this time I am voting RED, baby!

So now it’s time for me to speak up if only for a moment. California, its residents, and virtually all of its small businesses are completely doomed if Gavin Newsom stays in office. He has FAILED our state on every level. If you care at all about the life you have now or had prior to his governorship, you will stand with me and vote “yes” on this recall.

-Kristy Harris, September 8th

My Letter to the Editor(s):

If you are voting “NO” on the recall, then this letter is not intended for you. You can skip to the next column or try your hand at today’s Sudoku puzzle.

I never thought much about our Governor until around April of 2020. Mind you, I did not help elect him in 2018, but I was supine and unsurprised when the “Gav Man” won the election. We are after all, a very blue state and apparently glutton for punishment.

I consider myself to be a reasonable person. So, when the “two weeks to flatten the curve” approach was announced, I was completely onboard to stay home (other than running outside for exercise instead of visiting my already shuttered gym). It was three weeks into the two weeks that I found myself looking at Gavin Newsom during his daily press conference with a bit of ambiguity. It dawned on me that he seemed to be enjoying the spotlight a little too much.

Many people turned on Gavin Newsom following his infamous dinner at The French Laundry in November of 2020, but my resentment towards him commenced all the way back in April of the same year. It’s around that time I realized the “State of Emergency” he had declared on March 4th, followed by the Stay-At-Home order on March 19th, was just a foothold on the way to declare himself king.

I was not fond of the way he began slinging executive orders like a pancake brunch cook (conveniently, while the Legislature was recessed for seven weeks). His 37 Executive Orders altered 175 state laws, completely sideswiping any of the lawmaking process.

My fury culminated on June 18th when the state-wide mask mandate was put into effect. Of course, make it mandatory to wear a mask right after you close a deal with China to produce them and profit from it. I’m only surprised the mandate did not specifically require N-95s, but maybe that would have been a little too obvious.

If I kept going on about why Gavin Newsom needs to go, it would prohibit me from telling you about the solution to him. That person is Assemblyman Kevin Kiley.

I have been following Kevin Kiley since June of 2020, over a year before he became a candidate to replace Newsom. It was at that time he and James Gallagher took Gavin Newsom to court and won, just one day before my birthday. For the first time, I felt like there was someone fighting for the people. I subscribed to Kevin’s blog “Capitol Quagmire” to get updates on the court cases, but really for entertainment purposes. Any person who could write so cleverly and deliver a weekly burn on the Governor was going to automatically gain me as a fan.

In January of 2021, Kiley wrote and published a book called “Recall Newsom, The Case Against America’s Most Corrupt Governor”. The book was released before Kiley had seriously considered running as Newsom’s replacement, and all the book’s profits went to the recall campaign. As I read over it, I can’t help but believe the man who wrote it must be destined to take the wheel.

Kevin Kiley is a graduate of Harvard (BA), Yale (Law Degree), and Loyola Marymount (Master’s in Secondary Education).

Before being elected to the State Assembly in November of 2016, Kevin was a Deputy Attorney General who represented the People of California in cases involving convicted felons. He has since authored legislation to protect victims of crime and support law enforcement. Assemblyman Kiley is ranked 100% by the Howard Jarvis Taxpayer’s Association for his work in fighting new taxes and his support of Prop. 13. He does not take any funding from special interest groups, and he is the only 100% citizen-backed California elected official.

California needs a person who has already worked across party lines. Someone who will not forget the people who elected them. Someone who supports medical freedom of choice and upon election will immediately end the State of Emergency in California. Someone who knows good ideas don’t require force.

It was what Kevin Kiley said at a recent campaign speech that also got my attention:

“It’ll be back to basics. That will be the order of the day. Pave our roads, store our water, manage our forests, maintain our grid, fund our police, do the things government is supposed to do, do them well, and do nothing else.”

For non-Republican voters Kiley says, “Take a chance on change. If you don’t like the way things turn out, you can always vote for a return to corruption and racketeering next year.” I am a Libertarian, but still feel that Kevin Kiley is the appropriate choice to repair the hot mess that is current state of California.

It seems uncomplimentary to refer to Mr. Kiley as a waste management technician, but I am sure once elected he’ll be ready to take out the trash that is Gavin Newsom.

Assemblyman Kevin Kiley is the brightest, most qualified candidate for the job and will be able to go to work for all Californians on day one. I hope you will join me in voting YES on the recall of Gavin Newsom and voting for Kevin Kiley for Governor of California. 

Kristy Harris
Curtis Park, Sacramento

August 29th, 2021