Fitness, Food, Wine & Travel

Meals and Weight Loss Tools

This is one of my colorful and tasty dinners from pretty early on (Thursday, April 14th) in my bikini competition training, and right after I started working with my coach Jodie Yuncker @jodiejfit_ifbbpro with FitBody Fusion.

At the time, I had 1,456 calories per day at my disposal, and my macro breakdown looked like this: 145g Protein, 120g Carbs, 44g Fat.

This meal is “Chicken Muffins with Rutabaga Fries” (331 Calories = 29g Protein, 40g Carbs, 8g Fat. The recipe for the Chicken Muffins (no flour or grains actually in the recipe–the name comes from the muffin pan you bake them in) is from The Protein Chef and is available on his website. It’s pretty much just canned chicken, eggs, and cheese with a few herbs and spices for flavor. A very attractive recipe for a low carb or keto diet person.

The “fries” are just chopped up rutabaga (to make them look like French fries) that I prepared in my air fryer–and if you are doing any type of weight loss program or competition prep, I HIGHLY recommend you invest in an air fryer!! It makes veggies crispy with hardly ANY added oil/calories, just a “shhhh shhhh” with your favorite aerosol oil spray so you aren’t spending all of your fat grams on cooking oil.

One more thing… I just LOVE the MyFitnessPal app. It’s so genius, and if you do it right, fail safe for weight loss, but you MUST also invest in a FOOD SCALE and you must BE HONEST with yourself and log every bite you eat. I say that in all caps because I AM YELLING AT YOU if you are on a diet and trying to keep a food journal WITHOUT a food scale. Another tip: Set the scale to “grams” versus “ounces” for ultimate accuracy.

That’s all for today… In summary, if you are looking to lose weight for any reason: Create a food journal (preferably one with an app so you can log on the go), get an air fryer, and get a food scale. You can get ALL of these combined for under $100 total, so I don’t want to hear about the expense. If cost really IS an issue, you can also pick up used items, and the basic My Fitness Pal app is FREE. Make nothing stand in your way. xo

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